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 Your dog's best life begins here.

In-home training personalized for your lifestyle, in Winston-Salem, NC.

Educating Dogs.   Empowering People.   Enabling Freedom.

You are trying to better understand your dog. Learn to live in harmony. You want to be best friends. But the relationship feels challenging. You aren't sure how to communicate. We see you.

Best Life Canine is a dog training company specializing in lifestyle training for puppy raising. basic obedience, advanced off-leash obedience, and behavior modification. Our programs are made for "real life" so we include training for life at home and life adventuring with your dog. Rooted in relationship-based training, Best Life Canine is here to help dog parents connect with their canine companions and live their best life together. 

Often the most common struggles are not simply obedience related, but are rooted in relationship behavior and emotions...

  • social anxiety
  • destructive behaviors
  • jumping on people
  • resource guarding (food, toys, people, space)
  • "stranger danger"
  • generalized fear
  • phobias
  • pulling on leash
  • refusing to come when called
  • reactivity (people, dogs, environment)
  • obsessive tendencies
  • nervousness
  • separation anxiety
  • excessive barking
  • "dominance"

We have been exactly where you are.

And that has lead us to where we are today. We are here to help.

We want to help you get busy living the life you dream of with your doggo sidekick!

Our goal is to help you find peace and balance; to discover the full potential of your dog.  

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Just imagine...

  • Your dog comes happily running to you, every time you call

  • Guests can come over without your dog jumping on them - hiding from them - growling at them

  • Leaving home while you know your dog is safely relaxing and napping at home

  • Enjoying daily walks, or a run, with your dog trotting by your side

  • Increased freedom and independence for your dog to "be a dog"

  • Taking your dog on adventures, like hikes or family vacations

  • Relaxing at the local dog friendly coffee shop with your dog after an easy stroll at the park

FREE Training


Check out one of our Foundation Games we use to get our students started with their training. This game packs tons of info and will help you being shifting your dog's value system. With this game you will find better engagement and the start of a more reliable recall!

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